We are Recruiting Team Members for 2023-2024 Intercollegiate Chess Championships. Please fill out our interest form below if you would like to be considered.
2023 Caltech Blitz Championship (10/15/2023):
Champion: Lucas
2nd: Pranav N.
3rd: Michael
2021 Caltech Blitz Championship (04.24.2021, Online via Lichess, 12 rounds):
Champion: FM Jason Shi
1st: FM Jason Shi (11/12)
2nd: Adriano Testa, Tony Kukavica (8.5/12)
U2100: Hannah L. Chen (8/12)
U2100 2nd/U1800 (tie): Vignesh Varadarajan, Brandon Guo (7.5/12)
U1500: Daniel Leibovici (5.5/12)
2020 Caltech Blitz Championship (04.18.2020, Online via Chess.com, 8 rounds):
Champion: FM Jason Shi (won playoff)
1st-2nd (tie): FM Jason Shi, Adriano Testa (7.5/8)
U1900: Dillon Holder (5/8)
U1650: Matteo Ronchi (4.5/8)
U1450: Karthik Karnik (4/8)
U1200: Gianmarco Terrones (3.5/8)
2019 Caltech Fall Quick (12.05.2019, Avery Dining Hall, 5 rounds):
1st: FM Jason Shi (5/5)
2nd: Adriano Testa (4/5)
U1700 (tie): Will Overman, Pranav Kulkarni (3/5)
U1300/Unrated (tie): Duncan Chadly, Alexandros Tsamopoulos (2/5)
2019 Caltech Bughouse Championship (06.01.2019, Lloyd Dining Hall, 5 double rounds):
1st-3rd (tie): FM Jason Shi/Anthony Bao, Adriano Testa/Limbert Palomino, Tony Kukavica/Brendan Berrigan (7/10)
4th: Ryan Clark, Michelle Hyun (6/10)
2019 Caltech Blitz Championship (03.07.2019, Lloyd Dining Hall, 6 rounds):
Champion: Adriano Testa (won playoff)
1st-2nd (tie): Adriano Testa, FM Jason Shi
U1850 (tie): Ishan Mazumdar, Vignesh Varadarajan
U1600: David Fager, Erik Jue
1st (U1400/Unrated): Ryan Clark
2nd (U1400/Unrated): Christopher Moon
2018 Caltech Fall Rapid (11.15.2018, Lloyd Dining Hall, 4 rounds):
1st-3rd Overall (tie): FM Jason Shi, Andrew Ding, Tony Kukavica
U1800: Vignesh Varadarajan
1st (U1400/Unrated): Ilya Sherstyuk
2nd (U1400/Unrated): Ryan Clark